The KestrelMet 6000 Food Plot Weather Station is built on a commercial-grade platform and includes a fan-aspirated temperature and RH sensor.
The soil sensor array measures soil moisture and temperature conditions at three depths, providing reliable profile data that corresponds to the entire root zone, allowing the grower to optimize irrigation strategies.
Solar irradiance sensors provide precise crop and environmental information to ensure the most effective integrated pest management program.
We believe in simple, comprehensive weather monitoring solutions that are affordable, easy to deploy, and require minimal decision-making. The KestrelMet 6000 is the most cost-effective and easy-to-use professional-grade weather station available.
The KestrelMet 6000 is a rugged, cost-effective one-time investment that will help you grow and maintain a thriving food plot for years of successful hunting. Cellular data transmission enables you to deploy the station in remote areas and view that data from the KestrelMet cloud within minutes. With the online dashboard and app, you can conveniently access your food plot weather data on a mobile device — whenever you want and wherever you are.
SIM Card and first year of data free
Choose the cellular carrier that is best for your station location.