Vendor DeerGro

Ultimate Combo Kit

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PlotStart is a spray that provides instantly available calcium to the soil and plants. Historically, lime has been the source of calcium. However, with traditional lime taking months to activate and liquid lime only lasting a single season, PlotStart begins working the moment it touches the ground and provides available calcium for years to come. The 2.5 gallon of PlotStart will cover up to one (1) acre. PlotStart can be applied at or before planting to both tilled and untilled ground. It also can be applied to perennial plots, trees, and shrubs to give the soil and plants a needed boost.


PlotBoost is a spray applied to actively growing plants to promote better growth and fertilizer uptake, greater resistance to drought, disease and insects, and increased nutrient capacity leading to healthier and bigger deer. The 32-ounce bottle will cover up to one (1) acre, and can be applied with hand-pump, backpack, ATV/UTV, or tractor sprayers.


PlotTill® works to offset compaction by improving soil structure, drainage and tilth to maximize yields and support overall soil and plant health. Specifically formulated for conventional tillage and no-till applications, PlotTill® helps support a healthy, growing environment so your crops can reach their potential. PlotTill® allows those planting food plots in heavy clay-based soils, or in areas with severe compaction to establish healthy food plots through manipulation of the soil structure itself, allowing air, water, and nutrients to flow easier between the soil and plants’ roots. The result is fast-growing, attractive, and vigorous food plots in conditions that previously would have been a challenge.

PlotTill® improves the tilth and aeration of the soil allowing more oxygen in for improved root development and enhanced soil microbial activity. PlotTill® should be used in conjunction with PlotStart® and PlotBoost®, to ensure maximum benefits.

Just spray at or before planting and PlotTill® does the rest! Works for fall, spring, and summer plantings; all annuals and perennials.

PlotStart™ will enhance your food plots and plantings by:

Lime equivalency rate: 2.5 gallons = 1 ton of lime

Adjusts soil health biologically and chemically, faster than ag lime

Increases plant germination

Increases nutrient (NPK) availability for plants

Increases calcium for seedlings

PlotBoost™ will enhance your food plot and plantings by:

Boosts food plot yield

Reduces negative herbicide yield drags

Increases plant’s ability to take up nutrients

Increases water update & drought tolerance

Increases disease and insect tolerance

Can be mixed in tank directly with herbicides

Can be applied 3x per year


2.5 Gallons of PlotStart™ = 1 Ton of Lime Per Acre. If your soil pH is 4.5-5.5 use 5 gallons of PlotStart™ per acre (equivalent to 2 tons of lime per acre). Use a max of 2 jugs (5 gallons PlotStart™per acre) if the soil is acidic (4.5-5 pH) or spray 5 gallons of PlotStart™ per acre in the spring, then again in the fall for the fall planting totaling 10 gallons per acre over the course of 12 months.


PlotStart™ must be mixed with water to evenly distribute it over the intended acreage. For most applications, 10-15 gallons of water is needed to apply PlotStart™ over a single acre. PlotStart™ is NOT applied in an oz/gallon of water ratio like herbicides, rather it is a per acre application. Simply mix enough water to evenly distribute the 2.5 gallons or 5 gallons (depending on pH) over the correct amount of acreage. PlotStart can be. Mixed directly with nitrogen solutions, and soil-applied herbicides. PlotStart™ CANNOT BE APPLIED WITH ROUND-UP® or GLYPHOSATE.

EXAMPLE: If you have a 25 gallon ATV sprayer, you will likely be able to evenly spray 2 acres. Fill the tank with 2.5 gallons per acre of PlotStart™ for soils 5.5 -7 in pH, or 5 gallons per acre for soils more acidic than 5.5. for a 2-acre food plot with a soil pH of 6.0, you would fill the tank with 2 x 2.5-gallon jugs (2.5 gallons per acre) then fill the rest of the tank up with water.


Once you have evenly distributed the correct amount of PlotStart™ per acre you are done! The effective formula of PlotStart™ will do the rest. It is suggested to follow up with PlotBoost™ after the food plot reaches full ground coverage (3-5 weeks) or when directly in the tank with your first round of post-emergent herbicide.


32 oz of PlotBoost™ Per acre can be applied to a food plot 3X per year. Typical application includes 3-5 weeks after germination or during the first post-emergent herbicide spraying.

  • PlotBoost™ species recommendations:
  • Spring plantings (Ex: clover, alfalfa, chicory) North – May to July (up to 3X); South – March to June (up to 3X)
  • Summer plantings (Ex: corn, soybeans, sorghum) North – May to August (up to 3X); South – April to August (up to 3X)
  • Fall plantings (Ex: wheat, brassica, turnips) North – August to November (up to 3X); South – September to December (up to 3X)

PlotBoost™ must be mixed with water to evenly distribute it over the intended acreage. For most applications, 10-15 gallons of water is needed to apply PlotBoost™ over a single acre. PlotBoost™ is NOT applied in an oz/gallon of water ratio like herbicides, rather it is a per acre application. Simply mix enough water to evenly distribute the 32 oz over the correct amount of acreage. PlotBoost™ can be. mixed directly with Round-up® or Glyphosate, fungicides, insecticides, and other herbicides in the same spray tan, saving time!

EXAMPLE: If you have a 25 gallon ATV sprayer, you will likely be able to evenly spray 2 acres. Fill the tank with 32 oz gallons per acre of PlotBoost™ per acre then fill the rest of the tank up with water. For a 2 acre application, this would be 64 oz of PlotBoost™ and the rest of the tank filled with water.


Once you have evenly distributed the correct amount of PlotBoost™ per acre you are done! The effective it is suggested to follow up with PlotBoost™ again before summer droughts or before deer season to increase attraction and tolerances of the plot for a maximum of 3X per year.

  • Spring plantings (Ex: clover, alfalfa, chicory) North – May to July; South – March to June
  • Summer plantings (Ex: corn, soybeans, sorghum) North – May to August; South – April to August
  • Fall plantings (Ex: wheat, brassica, turnips) North – August to November; South – September to December

Apply PlotTill™ at a rate of 8 oz (236.5 mL) per acre. It can be applied through standard aerial or ground spray equipment. Use 10-25 gallons of water per acre to obtain even coverage. PlotTill™ can be mixed with most fertilizer solutions and herbicides. (Always do a jar test to assure mixing compatibility.)


PlotTill™ requires 1 inch of rainfall or irrigation to activate and will continue working the entire growing season. You are done!

Randy Birdsong Uses DeerGro to Get the Best Food Plots Possible

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